The movable glass walls of the President series will allow you to create individual work spaces and other partitions without any concessions to spaciousness and light. To enhance the transparency of the President line, we have developed a construction that eliminates the need for vertical aluminum profiles. This wall will also take up remarkably little space in a stacked position.
Glass Walls: President movable glass wall
Spaciousness, plenty of light and privacy. A movable glass wall is the ideal solution if you wish to create multiple spaces yet retain a room’s open atmosphere.
The movable glass walls of the President series will allow you to create individual work spaces and other partitions without any concessions to spaciousness and light. To enhance the transparency of the President line, we have developed a construction that eliminates the need for vertical aluminum profiles. This wall will also take up remarkably little space in a stacked position.
The President is very easy to operate. We have developed an advanced locking system in which one standard panel locks the other one automatically. This eliminates the number of side operated elements, and the need to stoop down for every panel when repositioning.
President walls can be constructed from a variety of different panels. Even curved or segmented walls and tracks can be incorporated. The panels can be finished in countless different styles. For additional privacy, certain parts of the glass can be etched, sandblasted or decorated with foil. Text, logos or entire designs and patterns can also be incorporated into a panel.
For us, there is no such word as impossible: we can transform all your creative ideas into practical solutions!
If you are interested in detailed information, please contact us.
Parthos, designed for Green. We see it as our ecological responsibility to participate in this ongoing process of sustainability. As a member of the Dutch Green Building Council we actively contribute to the objectives of the World Green Building Council.
Besides movable glass walls, Instafold can also produce, deliver and install:
movable walls, movable wall systems, folding walls, glass folding walls, spacers and interior contracting and metal constructions.